[PHOTO] Edith Cohen's Research Page


Research Interests

I am a computer scientist. My research is motivated by challenges in managing and mining massive data sets, networks, and information systems. I am interested in modeling and in designing solutions which enhance performance and functionality. I prefer a principled approach and apply and develop tools from algorithms design, statistics, and optimization. I am always looking to learn more, do more, and expand my horizons.

In the span of my research career, I developed models and scalable algorithms in a wide range of areas including query processing and optimization, content search and delivery, caching, prefetching, routing, streaming, parallelization, and fundamental graph algorithms. More recently, I led the development of highly scalable algorithms for the analysis and mining of massive graphs, such as social and other interaction graphs. My work facilitates the computation of centralities, similarities, and influence measures at a scale and accuracy that were not possible before. I also led the development of sampling, sketching, and estimation techniques which optimize tradeoffs between storage size, computation, and query speed and accuracy. My work enables the leveraging of much larger data sets than previously possible. More details on my research work can be found here:

Publications and Research Overview

Google Scholar, DBLP

Professional Background

I am a research scientist at Google (Mountain View). I am also a (visiting) full professor at the School of Computer Science at Tel Aviv University in Israel.

I attended Tel Aviv University (Israel) for my undergraduate studies in math, physics, and computer science, graduating in 1985, and continued to obtain an M.Sc. in computer science in 1986, supervised by Michael Tarsi. I then headed to Stanford, CA, where I worked towards a Ph.D. in Computer Science, with Andrew Goldberg and Nimrod Megiddo, graduating in 1991. From 1991 to 2012, I was a member of the research staff, first at the legendary AT&T Bell Laboratories , and after a 1997 split, at AT&T Labs Research. In 1997 I also visited the Computer Science Division at UC Berkeley. From 2012 to 2014 I was a principal researcher at Microsoft Research (Silicon Valley).

CV (2014)


Recent presentations


I was fortunate to work with some great students and interns over the years.



Program Commitees

Editorial boards

Honors and Grant Awards

Personal Information

Outside of work, I greatly enjoy my family (my husband Alex and our four lovely boys) and the outdoors.


Edith Cohen, edith (at) cohenwang (period) com

Last Edited: August, 2018